III International Scientific and Practical Conference

Study Of Aquatic And Terrestrial Ecosystems: History And Modernity


To participate in the seminars please register for it at your personal page.

Marine radiochemoecological research: history and modernity

This seminar is dedicated to the 95th birthday anniversary of the renowned scientist, founder of marine radioecology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, and Academician G.G. Polikarpov

Aims and objectives of the seminar:

Study and development of the scientific heritage of Academician G. G. Polikarpov. Analysis of modern achievements in the field of radiochemoecological studies of the World Ocean. Perspectives for further development of the radiochemoecological school.

Working languages: Russian, English


Tereshchenko Natalia Nikolaevna
Leading researcher of the Radiation and Chemical Biology Department of the
"A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the South Seas of the Russian Academy of Sciences", PhD in Biological Sciences.

Russia - Guinea: perspectives on the development of joint scientific research activities

Working languages: Russian, French

Roman V. Gorbunov

Roman V. Gorbunov
Doctor in Geography, Director of A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS (IBSS-RAS)

Alpha Issaga Pallé Diallo

Alpha Issaga Pallé
Professor, Director of the Research Center Conakry Rojban (CERESCOR)